Remember in this post where I said that Dave Ramsey said "Be faithful with the smaller things to be blessed with bigger things."..?
Well, my friends, my hard work has paid off! I received a job offer that would help me to become financially comfortable in a relatively short amount of time. After lots of discussion with Brett, and lots of prayer, I accepted, and I start a week from Monday!
Even with a significant pay raise, it was still a hard decision to leave my current job, because I believe it is a great organization and I really really love my co-workers.
But I feel in my heart that this job is truly a blessing and a wonderful opportunity and I just couldn't pass it up!
I have had a wild need to be independent for as long as I can remember, even to a fault. So, the fact that I am 26, live with my parents, and don't have a car (remember what happened in this post?) absolutely kills me. And I am very excited to start gaining some independence back!
As far as the job, I am going to be an Assistant Legal Learning Specialist, which would be boring and dorky to A LOT of you, but it plays into my strengths and interests and I am just plain excited. (A little nervous, too.)
I can't wait to keep you all updated on the next part of my journey!!