Like this! This is how I feel!!! |
It feels good to be able to take that payment off of my calendar and put it towards other debts and savings! And I absolutely can't wait to finish paying off these little debts!
WOOT WOOT WOOT!!!! I'm going to celebrate today by smiling, eating some leftover poppyseed chicken for lunch (my favorite, thanks mom!) and maybe taking a few bucks out of my "food" envelope for some ice cream! (and really putting that insulin pump to work!!) Haha.
OH YEAH. Speaking of envelopes, check out what I bought from thirty-one!
It's a "coupon clutch", but instead of using the little dividers for coupons, I'm using them as categories to divide up my cash money!! It's WAY prettier than the envelopes, and absolutely reusable. :) It's a good idea, and if you want to do the same thing, you should order one when I have my thirty-one party next month.
A HUGE THANKS to all of you who have been incredibly supportive of me throughout this process. You make it so much easier! I can't wait to share more victories with you all!